Bárbara Rodriguez Barroso

Based in Venezuela, Bárbara Rodriguez Barroso is a photojournalist, currently working in the national press and for NGOs. Her life has been about communicational and audiovisual media. She is a graduate of the National Film School and currently studies International affairs and Arts at the Central University of Venezuela. Her first paycheck: “My first job

Courtney Tenz

Courtney Tenz lives in Cologne, Germany, where she writes for publications including The Cut, Marie Claire, Artsy and the Art Newspaper. Her first paycheck: “I earned $4.25 an hour as an accounts payable intern at a local frame-making factory while still in high school, an experience that taught me the old-fashioned semantics of payrolI: cutting

Dr. Bernardo Bátiz Lazo

Dr. Bernardo Bátiz Lazo is Professor of FinTech History and Global Trade at Northumbria University in Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K. He is a fellow of the Royal Historical Society and the Academy of Social Sciences. He read economics and history and received a doctorate in business administration from the Alliance Manchester Business School. He joined

Duncan Geere

Based in Gothenburg, Sweden, Duncan Geere is an information designer interested in climate and the environment. He’s worked for organizations like Wired, Information is Beautiful, Project Drawdown, Nesta, the Gates Foundation, and BBC Wildlife magazine. His first paycheck: “In the early ‘90s, my grandmother held a fundraiser in her garden. I was 7 years old,

Edgar Maciel

Edgar Maciel is a multimedia journalist based in São Paulo. He is an editor for a Brazilian TV channel and also an international correspondent, writing for national and international publications on politics, economy and society. His most memorable paycheck: “The first one I received as a journalist in São Paulo. I’m from Porto Alegre, in

Emil Filtenborg

Based in Kyiv, Emil Filtenborg covers conflicts in and around Ukraine for outlets like Euronews, DW, Vice World News and The Daily Beast. His first paycheck: “It was around 2004 when I was 13. I was earning €6.15 an hour sweeping the floors of a local machine factory in Vejle, Denmark, after school. My first

Génesis Carrero Soto

Génesis Carrero Soto is a journalist who graduated from Universidad Central de Venezuela. From Caracas, she covers events in poor neighborhoods of the country. She has written for the main national media and currently works for ElPitazo.net. Her first paycheck: “My first job was as a host and producer of a radio program in a

Grace Dobush

Based in Berlin, Grace Dobush is the editor of the ReThink Quarterly. She has written for publications including Fortune, Wired, the Economist and Quartz and worked as an editor in the English-language newsroom of Handelsblatt, Germany’s business daily. She has also worked on the staffs of the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, Family Tree Magazine, The Artist’s Magazine

Ali H.O. Bnayan

Ali H.O. Bnayan is an archeologist specializing in cuneiform at the Iraq Museum in Baghdad. He studied archaeology at the University of Kufa in Iraq and previously worked at the Documentary Center for Najaf Heritage. He is currently working on a new project focused on reviving cuneiform and the Sumerian language. His most memorable payday:

Adejoke Adeboyejo

Adejoke Adeboyejo is a freelance writer and journalist based in Lagos, Nigeria. Having worked in human resources for more than 12 years, she now writes about the workplace, women’s issues and the environment. Her most memorable paycheck: “The first payment I received after becoming self-employed as a freelance writer. I was paid $30 for writing